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플랜 선택:



US$ 0
/ month
100 PDF files / month
Number of PDF files you can generate per month
1 User
1 user with individual login credentials
Individual File Names
Define individual PDF file names with the use of placeholder variables
Reusable Templates
Reusable PDF templates with saved placeholders and settings
With Watermarks
Watermarks will be printed on all generated PDF files


US$ 32
/ month
Billed yearly
1,000 PDF files / month
Number of PDF files you can generate per month
1 User
1 user with individual login credentials
Individual File Names
Define individual PDF file names with the use of placeholder variables
Reusable Templates
Reusable PDF templates with saved placeholders and settings
No Watermarks
Generated PDF files will be free of watermarks
Send Emails with PDF Attachment
Use email recipients from your Excel list and send from your own email address
30 Days Money Back Guarantee
2 months free


US$ 66
/ month
Billed yearly
10,000 PDF files / mo.
Number of PDF files you can generate per month
5 Users
Manage up to 5 users with individual login credentials
Individual File Names
Define individual PDF file names with the use of placeholder variables
Reusable Templates
Reusable PDF templates with saved placeholders and settings
No Watermarks
Generated PDF files will be free of watermarks
Send Emails with PDF Attachment
Use email recipients from your Excel list and send from your own email address
Send Emails with your own SMTP-Server
Use your SMTP credentials and send from your own email server
DKIM-signed Emails
Signed emails that are DMARC compliant and improve the delivery rate of your emails
Priority Support
Our support team is available 365 days a year and solves 95% of all requests within 24 hours
Public API  
Paid add-on, contact support to learn more
30 Days Money Back Guarantee
2 months free


US$ 79
/ month
Billed yearly
Unlimited PDF files
For MacOS, Windows and Linux
Download MailMergic and install it locally on your system
100% Offline
No data will leave your system at any time
Secure processing of protected health information (PHI)
Secure processing of banking and payment card data
2 months free
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US$ 0
/ month
100 PDF files / month
Number of PDF files you can generate per month
1 User
1 user with individual login credentials
Individual File Names
Define individual PDF file names with the use of placeholder variables
Reusable Templates
Reusable PDF templates with saved placeholders and settings
With Watermarks
Watermarks will be printed on all generated PDF files


US$ 39
/ month
1,000 PDF files / month
Number of PDF files you can generate per month
1 User
1 user with individual login credentials
Individual File Names
Define individual PDF file names with the use of placeholder variables
Reusable Templates
Reusable PDF templates with saved placeholders and settings
No Watermarks
Generated PDF files will be free of watermarks
Send Emails with PDF Attachment
Use email recipients from your Excel list and send from your own email address
30 Days Money Back Guarantee


US$ 79
/ month
10,000 PDF files / mo.
Number of PDF files you can generate per month
5 Users
Manage up to 5 users with individual login credentials
Individual File Names
Define individual PDF file names with the use of placeholder variables
Reusable Templates
Reusable PDF templates with saved placeholders and settings
No Watermarks
Generated PDF files will be free of watermarks
Send Emails with PDF Attachment
Use email recipients from your Excel list and send from your own email address
Send Emails with your own SMTP-Server
Use your SMTP credentials and send from your own email server
DKIM-signed Emails
Signed emails that are DMARC compliant and improve the delivery rate of your emails
Priority Support
Our support team is available 365 days a year and solves 95% of all requests within 24 hours
Public API  
Paid add-on, contact support to learn more
30 Days Money Back Guarantee


US$ 99
/ month
Unlimited PDF files
For MacOS, Windows and Linux
Download MailMergic and install it locally on your system
100% Offline
No data will leave your system at any time
Secure processing of protected health information (PHI)
Secure processing of banking and payment card data
Edit Template

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"이제 코딩 지식 없이도 모든 양식을 일괄적으로 메일 병합할 수 있습니다."

Marco Origez
HR 관리자
Star Star Star Star Star

"드디어 모든 직원이 이해할 수 있는 PDF 메일 병합 소프트웨어가 생겼습니다."

Amelia Sampson
비즈니스 소유자
Star Star Star Star Star

"PDF Mail Merge 덕분에 매주 업무 시간을 절약할 수 있습니다!"

Helen Shultz
학교 교사

자주 묻는 질문

예, 언제든지 플랜을 변경할 수 있습니다. 방법 보기...
이전 요금제에서 이미 지불한 금액은 자동으로 비례 배분됩니다.

업로드된 Excel 표의 각 행은 자동으로 채워지는 새로운 PDF 문서를 생성합니다. 이렇게 생성되는 PDF 문서의 수는 선택한 플랜에 따라 제한됩니다. 할당량은 매달 재설정됩니다.

예, 소프트웨어를 테스트하는 데 사용할 수 있는 무료 플랜을 무료로 제공합니다.

예, MailMergic는 한 달 동안만 사용할 수도 있습니다. 월간 구독을 구독한 후 한 달 후에 갱신되기 전에 요금제를 취소하기만 하면 됩니다. 구독에 대한 최소 기간은 없습니다.

몇 개의 버튼만 클릭하면 도구에서 직접 언제든지 계획을 취소할 수 있습니다. 방법 보기...
취소 후 현재 청구 기간이 끝날 때까지 요금제를 계속 사용할 수 있습니다.

어떤 이유로든 서비스에 만족하지 않으시면 30일 환불 보장을 제공합니다. [email protected] 이메일을 보내거나 위젯에 메시지를 보내주세요. 귀하의 불만 사항을 확인하고 영업일 기준 3-5일 후에 환불해 드리겠습니다.

공개 MailMergic API에 액세스하기 위해 API 추가 기능 구입에 관심이 있는 경우 지원팀에 문의하세요.

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