Jahrespläne jetzt verfügbar

Jahrespläne jetzt verfügbar

6. Oktober 2021

This week we introduced annual plans. With an annual plan, you can save over 25% versus a monthly plan. There is no difference in functionality between the two plans.

You can also switch between the two billing cycles at any time. In this case, amounts already paid are used as credit. The credit is non-refundable if the original payment was made more than 30 days ago.

Um den Jahrestarif auszuwählen, navigieren Sie im Benutzermenü zum Punkt „Abrechnung“.
Mit dem Schalter können Sie die Preistabelle zwischen der Monats- und Jahresansicht umschalten.

Monthly view (prices are subject to change)
Annual view (prices are subject to change)

To benefit from over 25% savings, select the annual view and click on „Choose plan“. Depending on where you are buying from, you may need to enter your billing address.

Check the details in the last step and enter your credit card details to purchase. Depending on your location, we might be obliged to charge VAT. After clicking on Subscribe, the payment is made and the selected plan is activated immediately.

If you have any questions or if you encounter any problems, please contact our support.

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